Four petty, small-minded individuals call Colo. police to complain about a topless gardener, according to equally petty and small-minded cops.
Mar 18 2010
BOULDER, Colo.— A nudist in Boulder who was threatened with eviction last spring for gardening outside wearing only pasties and a thong has caused another stir by gardening topless. At least four callers told police 52-year-old Catharine Pierce, who looks much younger (see photo insert) was in her yard topless on Wednesday. State law prohibits exposed genitals, but Pierce was wearing jeans and had gardening gloves and was not in violation of any law. Breasts are not considered to be genitals and any such law would severely restrict women's rights to breast feed in public.
Police spokeswoman Sarah Huntley said an officer told Pierce to consider wearing a shirt because children at the school across the street were playing outside.
According to an unauthorized school spokesman there were no complaints from any of the children. Pierce's husband then complained to police. Huntley said a police supervisor agreed with Pierce's husband that Pierce wasn't breaking any laws.
After the story broke on local news channels, an estimated 1500 individuals called police to complain about the original four complaining individuals. One caller told police he was being deprived of his constitutional right to view a topless woman in his neighborhood and threatened to sue the officer who suggested Ms. Pierce wear a shirt.
Boulder is considering expanding its anti-nudity law. Several thousand Boulder activists are considering mounting a recall election if it does. "It makes no sense for Boulder to criminalize nudity because four old biddies complained," according to Seth Bullingrad, who is President of Bare Boulder, a pro-nudist group that stages annual "naked-ins" in downtown Boulder. Last year's naked-in drew an estimated 20,000 participants and spectators and was closely monitored by the entire Boulder Police Department.
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