Palin: Wis. gov doing right thing smashing unions
Apr 17 2011
TODD RICHMOND and the editors of BizarreStuff
(AP Photo/Morry Gash)
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin spoke at a tax day tea party rally Saturday, April 16, 2011, in Madison, Wis.
MADISON, Wis. — Palin defended the Wisconsin governor's attack on unions and working people at a tea party tax day rally Saturday, telling hundreds of supporters that his polarizing union rights law is really designed to save public jobs. No one believed her.
Braving snow showers and a frigid wind outside the state Capitol building, the dingbat former Alaska governor told tea partyers she's glad to stand with Gov. Scott Walker who was seated. Hundreds of labor supporters surrounded the rally, trying to drown Palin out with chants of "Hey-hey, ho-ho, Scott Walker has got to go!" and "Recall Walker!"
"Hey, folks! screamed Palin into a microphone, He's trying to save your jobs and your pensions!" "Your governor did the right thing and you won! Your beautiful state won! And people still have their jobs!" Almost no one believed her because it is all a lie.
Palin, who has no knowledge whatsoever of public employment, unions or the state of Wisconsin used her bully pulpit to spout hatred and class warfare, something she is paid handsomely to do by the right wing lobby in America.
The Republican Governor signed a bill into law last month that requires all public workers to take an average 8% pay cut and strips them of their right to collectively bargain on anything except wages.
Walker plans to balance the state budget on the backs of working people.
Tens of thousands of people descended on the Capitol to protest nonstop for weeks against the plan and minority Democrats in the state Senate fled to Illinois to block a vote in that chamber, drawing national attention to the controversy.
The hate mongering Palin, shown with her hate filled visage, was called in to support the Governor by lying and looking ugly, two things she does exceptionally well. Currently, there is a court order blocking implementation of the law.
Capitol Police estimated about 6,500 people converged on the building Saturday, but said it was impossible to tell how many were tea partyers and how many were labor supporters.
The tea partyers, mainly illiterate bigots, appeared clustered in front of the building, waving "Don't Tread on Me" flags and signs that read "Public workers _ the party is over," "Thank you, Scott," and "Tax and spend brings the end."
Counter-protesters surrounded them, banging drums, bellowing into bullhorns and ringing bells. Bitter arguments broke out along the edges of the two groups over everything from the size of government to corporate power. At one point conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart took the stage and told the labor supporters to "go to hell."
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