Bikini baristas arrested for allegedly exposing themselves for tips
July 12, 2011
The owner and three employees of a bikini barista stand called "Java Juggs" in Edmonds have been arrested for investigation of exposing themselves to customers for big tips, Edmonds police said Thursday. The bigger the Juggs the bigger the tips.
Sneaky Edmonds cops posed as customers in plain clothes and took video recordings of baristas exposing themselves, taking time to assure themselves the women's body parts being revealed were real.
"Some of the violations involved physical contact with the barista in exchange for money," the statement said. Police did not make any video recordings available as these were checked out to fellow officers for home review as part of the ongoing investigation.
A picture of a Java Juggs stand in a blog post about the businesses featured signs that said "Some like it hot!" and "naughty, pasties, baristas."
On Yelp, one customer wrote that Java Juggs was his bikini barista stand of choice, because his mocha was generally good, and the girls seemed to "really have fun."
In contrast, Michelle McConnell, the uptight owner of TnA Latte in Everett, said her business maintains a "respectful dress code." She said she named her business as a play on words to poke fun at other stands that she said have "lowered themselves just to make an extra few bucks."
So what does TnA stand for?
"Tasteful-n-appropriate," she said.
A random sampling of male patrons believed the name stood for Tits and Ass.
Contact Vanessa Ho at 206-448-8003.
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