"When He Comes To Walmart He Comes."
Man busted for penis exposure offers novel explanation
AUGUST 10--A Louisiana man arrested yesterday for driving around a Walmart parking lot with his penis exposed explained to cops that “he gets aroused” when visiting the retail giant, according to a police report.
Travis Keen, 28, was busted on an obscenity charge and booked into the Ouachita Parish jail, where he is being held in lieu of $5000 bail.
Keen, pictured in the mug shot, was collared after a witness reported to police a man driving a Ford Taurus drove past him “with his penis exposed.” The witness, who tailed the Ford as it drove around a Walmart parking lot in Monroe, hoping to see the penis again, told cops that when the suspect “saw a female in the parking lot he would stop and watch them.”
When Officer Colby Spillers confronted him, Keen reportedly “stated he did have his penis out because of past experiences he had at Wal-Mart. Keen stated when he comes to Wal-Mart he gets aroused.”
Thankfully, Keen did not further detail what it was about the retailer that so turned him on. Perhaps it was just the people of Walmart.
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