Dutch woman calls ex-boyfriend 65,000 times in 12 months
Painting of a Dutch woman by Salvador Dali>>>
Sep 08 2011
AMSTERDAM — Dutch prosecutors are charging a 42-year-old woman with stalking after she allegedly called her ex-boyfriend 65,000 times in the past year. That's 178 calls a day or one call every 8 minutes around the clock.
The 62-year-old victim from The Hague filed a police complaint in August due to the persistent phone calls. Police arrested the suspected stalker Monday, seizing several cell phones and computers from her home in Rotterdam.
Hague prosecution spokeswoman Nicolette Stoel said Thursday the woman argued to judges at a preliminary hearing she had a relationship with the man and the number of calls she placed to him wasn't excessive. The man denied they had a relationship.
The Dutch have a reputation for being stubborn but this appears to go beyond gross stubbornness.
The court ordered her not to contact him again.
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