Hurled Shoe Knocks Israeli Chief Justice Off Her Chair
Jan 27, 2010
Debra Cassens Weiss
The chief justice of Israel’s Supreme Court took a direct hit between the eyes from a hurled tennis shoe during a court session on medical marijuana on Wednesday.
The impact knocked Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch off her chair and broke her glasses, according to the Associated Press and the Jerusalem Post. She was not seriously injured and returned to the courtroom a few hours later.
The assailant, identified as Pinchas Cohen, yelled, "You're corrupt, a traitor. Because of you I lost everything,” AP says.
A court security official told AP that the man’s dispute with the judiciary stemmed from a family court case, and the courts had been aware of him since he first threatened a judge in 2006.
The shoe tosser was seized by police who later got a search warrant to search his home for possible weapons. No ordinary weapons were found, but police discovered a large cache of old tennis shoes in a closet. Apparently the man was armed for a long seige. He was transferred to a mental ward for observation.
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