Wife Arrested for torching man's penis (ouch)
Sunday, 30 Aug 2009, 3:49 PM EDT
(MYFOX NATIONAL) - An Australian woman is facing murder charges after she allegedly set fire to her husband's penis and killed him.
Rajini Narayan is also accused of arson and child endangerment for torching the family home. She briefly appeared in court on Friday, but her court date has been delayed to Oct. 30.
News.com.au reports that police say Narayan doused her husband Satish's genitals with methylated spirit and then set them on fire while he slept last December. He sustained burns to most of his body and died 20 days later.
The fire also caused about $840,000 in damage to the family home, according to 9 News in Australia .
In a court filing in January, neighbors reportedly heard Narayan say, "I'm a jealous wife, his penis should belong to me, I just wanted to burn his penis so it belongs to me and no one else ... I didn't mean this to happen."
Recently there have been several cases of women who have torched men's private parts. In August a Greek woman poured alcohol on a British man's genitals and set fire to them after he allegedly made sexual advances on her at a bar. The unidentified woman has been charged with causing bodily injury and endangering private property.
In 2007 a Montreal woman who poured fondue fuel on her sleeping boyfriend's genitals and set it on fire was sentenced to four years in prison .
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