Sunday, October 14, 2012

Killer Hogs in Oregon = Bad Bacon

70-year-old Oregon farmer eaten by his hogs

On Wednesday morning, Terry V. Garner, a 70-year-old Oregon farmer, went to feed his animals. Several hours later, when he hadn’t returned, a family member went to look for him and found, on the ground of the hog enclosure, his dentures.  

Further investigation of the enclosure by the family member revealed that the hogs, which each weighed about 700 pounds, had nearly completely eaten the farmer, although some body parts were strewn about the enclosure.
Now the Coos County Sheriff’s Office is investigating how Garner “ended up in a position where the hogs were able to consume him.” According to the Sheriff's statement:
There are several scenarios being investigated, including that Mr. Garner had a health event, such as a heart attack, which then put him in a position where the hogs could consume him. Another scenario being investigated is that given the age and health of Mr. Garner, that one or more of the hogs knocked Mr. Garner to the ground, whereupon that hogs killed and consumed him. In addition, due to the unusual circumstances presented by this case, the Sheriff's Office is investigating to determine if foul play may have resulted in the death of Mr. Garner.
The statement adds that family said that at least one of the hogs had previously been aggressive toward the farmer but did not specify how many hogs live on the farm.Garner’s remains were examined on Saturday by a pathologist who was unable to determine how the man died. A forensic anthropologist at the University of Oregon will also examine his remains.Answering the phone at Garner’s home Monday, a man who described himself as a family friend described the tragedy succinctly: “What a way.


  1. I don't think I would be eating that bacon.

  2. Where have you been, Pammy? There are not as many commenters as there were when I first began the blog. You were like a breath of spring air, for a short while. Come back to comment again sometime. I thought you would have been all over the story about using strippers and pole dancers at Taiwanese funerals.
