Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ex "Brave" Bullfighter Chickens Out

Cowardly bullfighter: Mexican matador flees from bull

Jun 15 2010

MEXICO CITY— The bull charged and matador Christian Hernandez took off _ across the ring, over the wall and into controversy.

The admittedly terrified torero was arrested after Sunday's botched bullfight at the Plaza Mexico, apparently for breach of contract, local media reported Monday. He was released after paying a fine.

"There are some things you must be aware of about yourself," the 22-year-old Mexican matador said in a television interview. "I didn't have the ability, I didn't have the balls, this is not my thing."

In a sight rarely seen in the bravado world of bullfighting, Hernandez made a spin with his red cape at the charging bull, then ran across the ring and leapt headlong over the wall to safety, dropping his cape in the process. The crowd hooted in derision.

Several months ago, another bull grievously gored Hernandez in the leg.

Officials did briefly convince Hernandez to return to the ring on Sunday, where he put his hands over his head and pointed upward before he made a second exit, shaking his head.

He later said he would retire from bullfighting.

1 comment:

  1. Hell, I was going to post this one and point out that, clearly, the Mexican bullfighter was a BizarreStuff reader and had read about the fate that had befallen the Spaniard. Not wanting to suffer as his counterpart, the Mexican matador ran like hell as the BizarreStuff image turned over and over in his head. I owe you the posting info....
