Saturday, June 12, 2010

Get Your Kicks on Route 66, Or an Average City Bus Route

Ore. man accused of hair-snipping on bus sentenced to 2 and a third years in prison

Jun 10 2010

PORTLAND, Ore.— A 23-year-old man accused of snipping the hair of unsuspecting bus passengers was sentenced Wednesday to 2 1/3 years in prison. Multnomah County investigators said Jared Weston Walter cut large clumps of hair from three women and stuck glue in the hair of one woman on Portland-area buses in the past year.

Walter had pleaded guilty to two counts of witness tampering. Prosecutors said that in one case he wrote his girlfriend, telling her what to say on the witness stand. They said he also asked a friend to buy scissors and plant them as evidence to lead investigators astray.

Oregon law doesn't specifically deal with stealing or gluing a stranger's hair. So prosecutors charged him with third-degree robbery among other crimes, and later with witness tampering.

Some seasoned court watchers thought the sentence was excessively long, exceeding that of the maven of decorative schlock, Martha Stewart, whose misdeeds were far more severe, including witness tampering that represented endangerment of the entire securities market.

Perhaps Martha will offer to decorate Jared's cell in Oregon, like she is depicted above decorating her own Massachusetts prison digs.

So it goes.


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