Friday, April 20, 2012

Aussie Woman Compensated For Sex Injury On The Job.

An Australian female civil servant won compensation for an injury sustained while having sex on a business trip, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. The Australian Federal Court ruled the woman was entitled to compensation claim for facial and psychological injuries suffered when a light fixture fell off the wall and on top of her in a motel room bed where she was having sex with a male friend. The woman, who remains anonymous to protect her identity, suffered injuries to her nose, mouth and a tooth from the glass light hitting her face, according to the BBC. The incident, which took place in November 2007, reverses a previous lower court decision. As an employee for Australia's Commonwealth Government agency, the woman's lawyer argued sex was an ordinary incident of life in a hotel room, reports Because the woman had been on a work trip, the judge made the decision to compensate her for the incident. "If the applicant had been injured while playing a game of cards in her motel room, she would have been entitled to compensation," Justice John Nickolas said.

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