Friday, February 27, 2009

Wrong Number Caller Tips Off Cops to Cell Phone Location

Ouch! That's too tight.

Would be voyeur hides cell phone in rectum.

June 24, 2008

A Cincinnati man was allegedly trying to snap phonecam pics of nude women in a tanning salon. Police were called but the man denied the charges and told officers he did not own a cell phone. Just then, a phone began to ring which appeared to emanate from the man's body. Officers then found his cell phone in his butt.

The Hamilton County Sheriff's Office report failed to identify the officer who secured and preserved the evidence.

Police were unsure if they could charge the man for shoving his cell phone up his ass. Ohio has no statute governing where an individual may carry a cell phone. It's a matter of personal preference.

While being booked at the police station, the man asked to use his cell phone to call his attorney. He was provided another phone. He was subsequently released on bail but his cell phone was retained as evidence.

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