Thursday, December 2, 2010

Miami Mother Teaches Kindergarten Son How To Make Big Money Fast

Disruption, bullying, and disobedience pave way to large monetary settlement with school district, teacher group.

Dec. 2, 2010

A Miami mother who failed to ever discipline her son and encouraged the unruly, disrespectful boy to disrupt his classroom, abuse his classmates and to refuse to follow instructions and orders from the teacher, accepted a $350,000 settlement paid by the school district and the teachers' group because the boy was made to stand in front of his classmates and listen to their complaints about him.

In a frivolous law suit filed by an out-of-work attorney, it was claimed the boy suffered severe psychological damage and a sense of failure from the verbal abuse heaped on him by his tormented classmates. The mother, who also had demanded a public apology from the school board for the incident, dropped the apology demand when shown the $350,000 check, saying no amount of money could atone for the extreme psychological distress suffered by her son when forced to hear that his classmates thought he was a mean, disrespectful, bully and all around unpleasant kid.

A photo of the bully boy was unavailable because the boy kicked the photographer in the groin and stomped on his camera.

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