Thursday, December 2, 2010

United States Used Chemical-Neurological Torture on Guantanamo Detainees

Psychological water-boarding claimed for drug, mefloquine, in massive dosages

Dec. 2, 2010

An official government investigation has reported that U.S. authorities used an anti-malarial drug, mefloquine, in massive doses, to psychologically torture prisoners at Guantanamo. The drug, improperly dosed, is known to cause severe hallucinations, acute paranoia, fear and extreme anxiety. The photo insert depicts a man who overdosed on the drug. It was not known for what purpose the drug was used on the Guantanamo prisoners because there are no claims it can cause users to reveal secrets or other strategic information. It appears to have been used solely as a form of torture inflicted on the prisoners or to take funny photos like the above to send to friends and family.

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